Directory of Diseases
Hand Foot Mouth Disease is a viral infection that causes a rash on hands and feet along with sore throat. The symptoms of hand-foot-mouth disease usually resolve in one week, however, people experiencing these symptoms who are not able to eat or drink should consult a physician before a week.
A hand contusion is a bruise of the deep tissues of the hand, usually due to trauma to the area. This is a mild injury to the hand, and usually isn't very serious. A bruise can occur if small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture from the injury. Blood leaks out of the damaged blood vessels causing a "black-and-blue" discoloration under the skin. Most contusions are not emergencies, and usually aren't very serious.
Your child's symptoms are suggestive of a concussion. A concussion is the result of stunning or jarring the brain (usually from a direct blow to the head) that results in a disturbance of brain function. This can cause a loss of consciousness (getting knocked out) or loss of memory (amnesia). Most concussions are not serious and don't require any special treatment. However, it is important that your child is seen and evaluated by a medical professional immediately. A Cat Scan (CT) of the head may be performed to evaluate for any skull fractures or bleeding in the brain. Symptify can help you find the nearest ER and give you the option to send your child's information to prepare them for your impending arrival.
Head lice (pediculosis capitis) are highly contagious. The human head louse is a tiny insect that feeds on human blood. The female louse lays eggs (nits) on the hair shaft close to the scalp, and they become glued to the hair shaft. The nits hatch about 8–10 days later and begin to feed with any remaining adults. The nits can stay alive for a long period of time off of the body, such as on hairbrushes, furniture, or linens.Other types include body and pubic lice.Moving lice or non-moving nits may be seen on the scalp and hair. Each louse is approximately 1–2 mm long and is white-gray in color. The white nits are smaller (0.5 mm), are firmly attached to the hair shaft, and are usually located very close to the scalp. The most prominent symptom of a head lice infestation includes intense scalp itching.