Directory of Diseases
Arthritis is the general term for chronic inflammation of a joint. When arthritis occurs in the sacroiliaic joint it is called sacroiliaic arthritis. In this condition one experiences stiffness and aching low back pain pain over the buttocks and back of the hip. The stiffness is usually worst in the morning and improves with activity throughout the day. The stiffness and pain are worst immediately after standing and improve with exercise. Twisting and turning the upper body to one side usually worsens the pain. Occasional one has tenderness over the middle and upper buttocks.
A salivary gland stone is a calcified mass of minerals or sialolith that is formed in the duct within the salivary gland. There are three pairs of major salivary glands, parotid, sublingual and submandibular. Similar to kidney stones and gallstones, one can also get a salivary gland stone. When this happens, it blocks the duct of one of the three salivary glands of the mouth. The cause is often unknown. Pain often improves when the stone is removed. Often, consuming concentrated citric juices such as lime juice will force the stone to come out. The gland may become infected if not treated.
Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by a small mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. People with scabies often have intense itching, a rash that looks like pimples and burrows or tunnels underneath the skin where the mite lives and deposits eggs. The rash is more commonly found on the hands, feet, nipples, genitals, arm pits or elbow. Often people report that the itching is worse at night. The mite spreads from person to person through skin to skin contact. This occurs more commonly in situations where there is close human contact such as schools, child care centers, prisons, nursing homes or among family members. Scabies is contagious however it can be treated with medications applied to the skin and is diagnosed based on a microscopic examination.
A cut on your scalp is also called a scalp laceration. These type of lacerations can bleed a lot and can often appear worrisome. However, the majority of these stop bleeding on their own. If the laceration is large it will require stitches or staples. If the cut is greater than 2 cm or 3/4 inches it might benefit from staples or sutures. To stop the bleeding, apply pressure to the wound by pressing a cloth or paper tissue forcibly. Keep applying pressure for 10 minutes without stopping.
The scaphoid is one of eight carpal bones located in the base of the thumb. The scaphoid bone connects the two rows of carpal bones. A scaphoid fracture is an upper extremity injury that typically occurs after falling and landing on an outstretched hand. This is one of the most common fractures of the wrist and a very common upper extremity injury.
Mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Although a cause is not yet known, imaging studies point to differences in the structure of the brain and the central nervous system of people with this chronic condition. Although a cause has not been determined, the latest research points towards a combination of genetics, brain chemistry and environment contributes to development of the disorder. This mental disorder requires lifelong treatment and symptoms may appear between early and late 20’s. The symptoms displayed are different in teenagers and adults. Teenager’s symptoms are harder to diagnose since they are similar to the typical development of teenagers. Untreated, the disease can cause severe emotional, behavioral, health, and legal and financial problems. Lifelong treatment is needed, and can enable patients to live normal productive lives. This is a serious mental disorder with about 10% of patients committing suicide.
Sciatica is a very common condition that causes back pain. The pain usually is in the lower back/hip area and shoots down the back of the thigh into the leg. The pain usually increases with flexion at the hip. Patients also experience numbness and occasionally weakness in the leg. The disorder was initially thought to be cause by irritation of the sciatic nerve, but now is felt to be secondary to a herniated lumbar disk compressing a nerve root, most commonly the L5 or S1 root. Although mild sciatica usually goes away over time if the pain continues it is important to see a doctor.